Larnach Castle

Larnach Castle

Epic Travel → Asia & the South PacificNew Zealand → Otago → Larnach Castle

 Dunedin area, Otago, New Zealand

Time Required: 2 – 5 hours (depending on whether you’re having dinner)

Red Tape/Notes: Check their website for hours (typically 9am – 5pm) and consider staying at one of their accommodation options – this will offer you access to the castle and/or castle grounds outside of regular visiting hours.

What’s Nearby?: Moeraki Boulders, The Catlins

If you’re looking for a good reason to drive out the Otago Peninsula, Larnach Castle is as good as any. Beautiful views abound on the peninsula, providing a lovely setting for the castle, which was built in 1871 by William Larnach, a merchant baron. It was purchased by the Barker family in 1967, who restored the castle and opened it to the public (restoration efforts are ongoing; rest assured that the price of your admission isn’t simply going to line someone’s pocket – they really do put it back into the castle). The castle has beautiful grounds and gardens, you can actually climb up to the top of the tower to enjoy panoramic views (unlike so many other places where the towers are there, mocking you, because you can’t go up in them) and high tea is served in the afternoons.

If you stay in the castle accommodations (a variety of options are available), you have the option of having dinner at the castle in one of the dining rooms, which I think is totally worth it. The dinner itself is rather like being at a dinner party – you and other guests sit at a large table and chat, while being served a three course meal, and it’s all very lovely. But more importantly (to me, anyway), you get to visit the castle after it’s closed to other visitors and they let you explore a bit if you want to. What’s more fun than exploring a castle at night???

Epic Travel → Asia & the South PacificNew Zealand → Otago → Larnach Castle

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